The banking industry has employed very many people. This is the best place to work if you are interested in certain budgeting spreadsheets or balancing checkbooks. Both the financial and banking sectors have diverse career opportunities that you can explore. It has many job titles that can assure you stability and growth. Some of the main banking jobs include financial managers, loan officers, bank tellers, and accountants. The following are the top financing and banking jobs that you need to explore.

Loan Officers

loan officer

A loan officer can help you in identifying and applying for a loan, from personal loans to mortgages loans. They have been trained on how to evaluate the job history, creditworthiness and income of candidates. This is a great career option for those guys who like working with other people.

Bank tellers

These are the fort people that you see in the banking hall. Their primary roles include processing account withdrawals, accepting deposits among others. The minimum entry requirement for this job is a bachelor’s degree or a high school diploma. Bank tellers who hold a bachelor’s degree in finance can move up in this filed to become personal, loans officers or bank managers.

Personal Financial Advisors

financial advisor

These professionals help people in managing their finances to manage their long-term and short-term goals. Individuals who are figuring out to pay their loans or college fee and other who are  planning for retirement can immensely benefit from these financial advisors. Financial advisors are required to have a bachelor’s degree in accounting, economics, and finance. They can also identify the best options and help you in making the most of your money through incentives or tax exemptions.


Debt collectors play an important role for companies even if people tend to judge them as being bad. The role of collectors is keeping track of bills and managing account. In general, they are mandated with collecting on the past due invoices. Individuals who want to work as collectors should have a high school diploma, but those having a bachelor’s welcome.


The work of treasures is managing finances, goals, and objectives of organizations. They are trained on how to oversee major expenditure, investment strategies and maintaining the budgets of organizations. In addition to having other finance and banking credentials, you will be required to have an advanced degree or a master’s degree to hold this position.